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Ah, the awesome almond!
Ah, the awesome almond! When eaten raw, this little powerhouse has a lot of nutrients to give! Even roasted this delicious snack has a lot to offer your cycling engine (your body) in the way of protein (6g), Fiber (3g), “Good” Fat (15g) and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese. (from WHFoods) […]

Anti-Inflammatory Foods
AUGUST 2012 Virtually all of my clients ask me what to eat to reduce inflammation, especially after a tough training session or ride. I like a lot of what this about.com article has to say. See what you think!

AUGUST 2011 A two-cup serving of watermelon is also a source of potassium*, a mineral necessary for water balance and found inside of every cell. People with low potassium levels can experience muscle cramps. Learn more and find great recipes here.
Group Riding Tips – Time Trialing
AUGUST 2011 By now you have probably heard that the second annual Underground TT series is back. The purpose of these short but intense anaerobic efforts is two-fold, first: to introduce club members to road racing in a low key, yet competitive environment and second: to “hurt” three more times before we call it a […]
JULY 2011 From guacamole to dessert, the amazing avocado is a local celebrity and nutritional superstar (when eaten in moderation.) Come on, it’s even got its own commission!
Group Riding Tips – Basic Training
JULY 2011 When you are riding in a group of cyclists, it is important to remember that you are no longer alone. Anything that you do may have some affect on your fellow riders. The more radical your maneuver, the more the likelihood of an adverse effect. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of riding […]
Yoga! Yoga!
Yoga and you: for the tight-hipped cyclist. Helpful info and a few poses to try. And here are a few more! Feel free to email me if you have questions.

The Coconut
MAY 2011 NUTRITION Coconut boasts a variety of healthful advantages from its milk to meat to water. Most importantly, coconuts are CHOLESTEROL-FREE! Coconut water, like Zico you can find at Trader Joe’s, contains the five major electrolytes you lose when you’re cycling and has more potassium than a banana in each serving! Coconut meat contains […]

Training Methods
APRIL 2011 Get the best from a variety of athletes’ strengths and borrow training methods from other sports.